About EOM

The Power of God Revealed Everywhere

About Us

Hello, we are Rev. Emmanuel Opara and Pastor Ifejola Opara. For over 2 decades, by precepts and by examples, we have taught thousands of people how to bring God’s power to meet all forms of needs by unveiling unto them the mystery of the blood covenant, the efficacy of prayer, and the ministry of the Holy Ghost.

We have several ministry expressions, including THE CORE – Christ’s Overflowing-life Revealed Everywhere. The CORE Ministry is a platform ordained to lead men to pray and make God’s work easier upon the earth.

We also the lead pastors of The Fort Church, a worship centre with the mandate to raise an army of excellent leaders and to provide a nurturing environment for mankind to thrive. With numerous recorded testimonies and a tangible manifestation of God’s power in every service, The Fort Church is the expression of Isaiah 32:2 and is truly a hiding place for the harsh conditions of life.

What We Teach

We are called to unveil unto God’s people the excellency of divine providence and to raise an army of effective leaders by moulding lives through the word and power of the spirit and to provide a nurturing environment for mankind to thrive.

Generally, our teaching falls under one of these categories: The Blood Covenant, The Ministry of the Holy Ghost, Finances, Relationships, Healing, Prayer, Faith, Life & Work, and Spiritual Growth.

Our Vision

EOM is a non-denominational body, actively carrying out missions in support of the body of Christ. We are unveiling the excellency of divine providence to God’s people and raising an army of effective leaders. We do this by moulding lives through prayer, God’s word, and the power of the spirit.


Emmanuel Opara Ministry (EOM) is the missions and partnership arm of our existing ministry expressions- The Fort Church and CORE Ministry.  These ministries are set to raise and support anointed leaders who will be mightily used by God to fulfil His divine mandate across the world.

Prayer Hubs

God began to deal with us in 2020 to establish a solitary place of prayer, where his children can speak to him away from the distraction of their own environment. Upon this mandate was Adullam- The Place of prayer was born and on prayer room was set up. Like the apostles did in the when they tarried until penticost, God’s desire is to through us setup Adullams across several communities and countries of the world, so that people can find prayer rooms where they can communicate deepest desires without distraction.

Ministries & Missions Partnerships, Community and Crusades

We partner with pastors and ministers of the gospel from churches and ministries in rural communities to develop community projects that directly impact the livelihood of the community. Through these partnerships we have carried out water projects, housing, medical outreaches and distributed foodstuffs to indigent members of these communities. Click here to see all we have done.

Our Family

It is with much joy that I welcome you to this partnership. God has accomplished so much through us, and I am laden with a sense of urgency to see that the gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God is spread across the earth.

Our priorities are to consolidate on our outreaches and crusades to rural parts of northeast and North-Central Nigeria, support missionaries operating in hard-to-reach areas, translations of Bibles and other faith literature for the locals, providing free health care services and social support in these areas.

I’m grateful to God for leading you to partner in these life-changing projects with your finance and prayers. It’s a true honor to welcome you to the E.O.M family.

God bless You,

Emmanuel & Ifejola Opara

Books you should have read...

Powered by Blood

Powered by Blood

Understanding the power in the blood sacrifice of Jesus.

Let Us Pray

The amazing prayer compilation for a powerful christian.

Lifeslants by Ifejola Opara

Life Slants

Learn how the most important things in our lives are the really small things.

Connect With Us

You can connect with us and listen to our messages in the links below.

Missions, Outreaches & Crusades

Every First week in November, we reach out to our communities in our special show of gratitude to God. As a part of this drive we facilitate medical check up for participants who come in from all over Abuja. The records tell.

Ministry & Missions



Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Commnunity outreach




Testimonies from the Mission's field

Missionary Joseph Samuel shares his testimony as a minister in the field. God will do more.

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Prayer Cruise: Every Monday | 7am-12noon

Join us as we make tremendous power available

Prayer Cruise Invite

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