Missions & Projects

Missions and Ministry Partnerships

Community Outreach

Crusades and Programs

Adullam: A Place of Prayer

Your Partnership will bring God's word and welfare to those who are in dare need.

Ministry and Missions Partnership

The Gospel in hinter lands

We support ministries and missions work in remote areas. Many of these area are around the 10-40 region and ministers encounter great and diverse difficulties which include means of transportation, inadequate and sometimes complete lack of facilities, and a constant barrage of terrorism directed to them and their families.

Some of these missionaries have to walk 5 kilometres to get to worship centres, and the lack of resources can stall progress.

We partner with these ministers and missions by providing

  1. financial support to ensure the smooth running of activities, 
  2. Construction/Rehabilitation of Worship centres in areas where there was none or was destroyed by natural or human activities.
  3. Scholarships for immediate family members.

Ministry and Missions Partnership

Community outreach

EOM: Reaching to Communities

Community Development Outreaches are at the core of our commitment to making a difference. We organize impactful programs such as medical outreaches, where we provide essential healthcare services to these communities in addition to food and clothing. Your partnership allows us to touch more lives and bring us to communities in need.

EOM Community outreaches include but not limited to,

  1. Water Projects, 
  2. Medical Outreach
  3. Distribution of Food and Clothes

Community outreach



Our Crusades are vibrant gatherings that ignite faith, inspire transformation by getting people born-again and filled with the Holy Ghost. Through powerful messages, uplifting worship, and heartfelt prayers by anointed ministers of God, we witness individuals experiencing spiritual awakening and personal growth.


ADULLAM: The SECRET Place of Prayer

PRAYER HUBS: Project Adullam

As in the days of David, Adullam was birthed as a hiding place of refuge and retreats for believers who gather and pray. This project is a facility rented out and duly fitted with constant electricity, air conditioning, music and other comforts to aid protracted prayers.

EOM is successfully running one Adullam center in Gudu, Abuja. We also have an Adullam in Port Harcourt City, setup and run by our partners in PHC. Numerous testimonies have been received from hours of prayers in Adullam and now there are plans to expand to other city centers across Nigeria.



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Pictures of Progress

We can do so much more

By your giving, you put smiles on faces and give hope to people in places you may never go to, and the lives you bless give thanks to God on your behalf. You make things possible.